ManagementTis the Season for Giving

As many of us fight through mall mayhem, decorate our abode with flashing blingy things, or sit down to holiday dinners with friends and families, there are others who are not as fortunate.

This year sounds like it’ll be particularly hard for some, so in the spirit of the season, Noshwell would like to do our own little part by donating to two charities: The Union Gospel Mission (because there are times when everyone could use a helping hand), and the Vancouver Food Bank (because families should never be without a meal).

We’ll need to clarify a few things first. Noshwell is not affiliated with any of these organizations — they are simply ones we’ve given to in the past and felt do their part to make our communities better. Please give to whichever organizations this year that you feel make that same contribution.

Secondly, Noshwell is not a business, we are two individuals. So the money we give will be out of our own pockets (don’t let the Google Adwords fool you — we haven’t made a dime off this website. At least not yet).

To give our readers a chance to participate, please do your part in spreading the cheer by retweeting this tweet, or liking our Facebook page (we have one now). For the next week starting today, we will donate $1 for every retweet or like, up to $250 to be split equally between the Vancouver Food Bank and Union Gospel Mission. Go forth, tweet and like.

Merry Christmas,
Case & Tre

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