DinnerLa Bodega Restaurant and Tapa Bar

[rating:4] :

La Bodega has been serving Spanish tapas to the people of Vancouver since 1971. Tre and I like to come here whenever we feel like noshing on something not too heavy. We like tapas. It’s like dim sum: small little plates that are perfect for sharing. We’ve tried almost everything at La Bodega, expect the rabbit. I refuse to eat bunnies! The fact that they have fresh rabbit with tomato and wine sauce on the menu breaks my heart.

We have our favourites. Champinones Salteados: fresh mushrooms sauteed (drenched) in garlic oil. Patatas Bravas: potatoes with a zesty red sauce, it’s one of Tre’s favorites. Calamares: deep fried squid with garlic dip. This dish is so good! Perfectly deep fried squid with a crunch in a oh-so-good garlic dip. Gambas Al Ajillo: prawns in sizzling garlic oil (also drenched). This dish reigns supreme! We love the garlic oil so much we soak it up with our bread. Finally, dessert. Membrillo Queso: quince jelly with slices of mozzarella cheese and apple slices. I love this! It’s light, slightly salty and sweet all at once. I liked the quince so much I asked how they made it. The waitress told us we can buy the quince at the Santa Barbara Market on The Drive. Usually, we pair this dessert with a couple of cups of coffee.

One dish we really miss is the the squid stuffed with rice and squid ink. At first, we were horrified at the thought of eating anything that is the colour of mud, but it’s really tasty. Honest. The squid is very tender and all the inky goodness soaks into the rice. Ink doesn’t actually taste like much, but it seems to give the dish that little extra something. Unfortunately this dish hasn’t been offered for some time: Jose, Paco — if you’re reading this, bring back the squid ink.

The ambience here is a little bit of Spain: small lit candles, dark, wooden tables and chairs with classic red and white checkered table cloths. The service here is generally good. The prices are fairly reasonable. The downside, the Sangria is surprisingly addictive, which isn’t so good if you’re slightly allergic to wine as one of our unfortunate friends discovered one night.

The Details

1277 Howe St. Vancouver

La Bodega on Urbanspoon

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