ManagementNew Stuff @ Noshwell
Earlier this year, we alluded to some new things for Noshwell. And it’s taken a bit longer than expected to roll out some of these features. But here are a few things we have going.
No doubt, some astute readers will notice that we — like half the world — are now on Twitter. Our latest tweet can be seen on the sidebar. You may also follow us here if you so choose.
We’ve also added a section to the sidebar entitled Also Recommended, which uses magical elves to suggest similar posts that may interest you in addition to the one you are currently reading. As magical elves are not infallible creatures, please do not be cross if their suggestions are occasionally off. They try their best.
We’ve also decided to start unloading uncategorized photos onto everyone’s favourite dumping grounds: Flickr.
Finally, beginning with our last post, we are introducing for your Monday morning caffeine fix, a weekly series of sketches made on the coffee sleeves and faces of Starbucks coffee. Why? Because we were bored. It was largely inspired by a coworker who brought in a Starbucks coffee cup he had defaced during a meeting that he quickly lost interest in. I thought it was kind of cool, so I started to make some sketches myself. We ended up with a wall of cups which will now be on exhibit for your viewing pleasure.
There will be more to come, but for now — we thank you dear readers for your kindly patronage.
tre & case
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