TakeoutRe-Up BBQ Fried Chicken Fridays
Anyone following Re-up BBQ on Twitter will know about #FriedChickenFriday. Oh, you don’t? Well, you should follow them on Twitter. Go on, we’ll wait. Got it? Good.

Re-up BBQ’s famously buttery milk biscuits.
Not content to rest their laurels on just BBQ, Re-up BBQ’s New Westminster storefront has upped the ante with Fried Chicken Fridays: a 10 piece “bucket” of uniquely seasoned fried chicken, four buttery biscuits and fresh, house-made coleslaw. All this for just $20. How do they do it? Well, for one–it’s only available for two hours (4-6) on Fridays. We highly suggest calling in early, like in the morning, to avoid disappointment. Secondly, Re-up’s “bucket” eschews the breast meat, favoring just the leg and thigh–although there are no complaints here.

Lightly dressed, fresh and crispy house-made slaw.
This is a perfect Summer dinner picnic to go. The chicken has a unique batter that is lightly crispy with a savory and slightly sweet seasoning. The texture is very similar to the type you’d expect at Asian restaurants that do their own take on fried chicken or fried pork cutlets.
If you’re wondering why we keep putting not-really-air-quotes-but-we-really-mean-air-quotes around “bucket,” it’s because their is no bucket. They just meant it in the metaphorical sense.
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